Investigating Heavy Metal Soil Concentrations in Lafayette, LA Using a Portable Analyzer

While urban soil is a sink for contaminants derived from historical anthropogenic activities, most studies have focused on large urban centers, leaving smaller communities unexplored. This research is a pilot study to determine the significance of metal contamination in Lafayette, Louisiana, a city impacted by a wide range of current and historical industries, highways, and railroads. At least 1000 samples collected within two years across the city will be analyzed for lead, arsenic, nickel, zinc, chromium, and copper by portable X-ray fluorescence in the topsoil in Dr. Paltseva’s new Delta Urban Soil Laboratory. This information will be included in a more extensive soil survey database. The project team builds collaborations with local communities to effectively address exposures to contaminants and foster informed community decision-making for promoting and establishing urban gardens or childhood lead exposure prevention.


Smart Urban Nature Laboratory: Soil quality & Soil health


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